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Chemical Peels by ZO SkinHealth In NYC

Chemical Peel Process

ZO SkinHealth offers 2 types of Chemical Peels that will suit everybody’s needs. STIMULATOR PEEL is also known as lunchtime peel, this is a very gentle thought very effective chemical peel that allows you to get all benefits of medical grade peel without any downtime and recovery period. This is an enzyme peel that contains AHA and BHA for brightening a dull complexion. It is safe for all skin types.

This peel can be used all year round and it doesn’t require any preparation or post-treatment care. This is a revolutionary peel that helps to stimulate cellular turnover thus reducing fine lines, and wrinkles and improving skin texture and overall complexion.

Stimulator peel can be even used before some event when you want to get a refreshed, glowing, and lifted look without undergoing any more advanced treatment that required recovery time.

This peel can be administered as often as every week until the desired results are achieved. Stimulator Peel helps to:

  • refine your pores
  • smooth lines
  • fight acne scars in a gentle and effective manner on top of giving a glowing complexion to dull and dehydrated skin.

3 STEP PEEL is a multifunctional chemical peel that repairs moderate to heavy photo damage, including melasma, sun damage, and wrinkles. Similar to a TCA peel, this treatment exfoliates the skin, initiating optimal cellular turnover not only on its surface but also deep into the dermal layers. Your skin will look more firm and the damaging effects of the sun will be gone for good.

zo skin health models image
zo skin health female model and product

ZO 3 STEP PEEL is a Chemical Peel performed in 3 steps that ensure deep skin peeling

Perfect Med Spa clinician will cover your skin with a solution of salicylic, lactic, and trichloroacetic acids in order to exfoliate your skin. Immediately after your peel, 6% retinol cream is applied over the treated area stimulating collagen production underneath the skin. At this point, the skin peeling is over and calming creme is applied over the treated area to moisturize your skin and reduce irritation.

What are ZO Chemical Peels Designed to Alleviate?

  • Large pores
  • Age spots & pigmentation
  • Dry skin

What are post treatment side effects of 3 STEP PEEL?

To lessen any prolonged discomfort, you will be provided with a ZO medical calming cream to use after the treatment. For two days after the treatment, your skin will look moderately sunburned and should feel dry. On the third day, you will peel and the dead skin cells will simply shed. Unlike most peels, ZO 3 Step Peel yields a result that may last up to a year, making it a perfect investment for those striving at long-lasting effects and brighter, healthier skin.

How Do I Achieve Optimal Results?

  • Use calming cream to control redness and swelling.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure during the next 10 days after your treatment.
  • In some cases repeating the treatment is necessary to achieve the best results.
zo skin health patient receiving chemical peel treatment v

Why Do We Love ZO Chemical Peel?

Minor side effects

– Any discomfort can be alleviated with ZO Hydrating Creme that we distribute after the treatment

Suitable for every skin

– ZO Chemical Peel was crafted to work with any skin color and most skin types

Acts fast

– Most people will notice results in 3 days or shorter after the treatment

Before & After Gallery

Thanks to a state of art technologies that we use you don’t have to worry about anesthesia or surgery, long recovery and unpleasant side effects. All of the treatments that we perform are FDA‑approved and have been tested thousand of times. As per results- we guarantee that you will be satisfied. In fact, our manager will contact you after the treatment to make sure that you are happy with the results!

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Would you trust a Med Spa that employs only experienced clinicians, rigorous machinery and received numerous licenses and awards from the providers of the best aesthetic treatments? We would! Therefore we follow the game rules by employing the best experts in NYC, rigorously selecting our treatments and staying on top of the most effective beauty methods to assure our clients that trust they put in us will be returned in full.